The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 533.06 points, or 1.29%, closing at 40,665.02. The S&P 500 dropped 0.78% to end at 5,544.59. The technology-heavy Nasdaq Composite lost 0.70%, closing at 17,871.22.
All but one of the 11 sectors that comprise the S&P 500 traded lower, while nine out of every 10 Dow members also saw losses. Even the small-cap focused Russell 2000, which has run up amid expectations for forthcoming interest rate cuts, dropped about 1.9%.
ASX SPI Futures down 87 points
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The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 533.06 points, or 1.29%, closing at 40,665.02. The S&P 500 dropped 0.78% to end at 5,544.59. The technology-heavy Nasdaq Composite lost 0.70%, closing at 17,871.22.
All but one of the 11 sectors that comprise the S&P 500 traded lower, while nine out of every 10 Dow members also saw losses. Even the small-cap focused Russell 2000, which has run up amid expectations for forthcoming interest rate cuts, dropped about 1.9%.
ASX SPI Futures down 87 points
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